Respond to our Survey if Interested
Back in December, John Tarzwell commented:
Can I suggest, since there seem to be rumblings afoot, some form of reunion (formal or not) scheduled to take place around the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, 9 – 11 April, 2017?
It would permit a number of our group to participate in both events, and I plan to take as many of my family as are vertical, not to say, ambulatory.
God help us all, it’s only a couple of years away…
There has been some interest expressed so now is the time to determine whether the interest (possible attendees as well as organizers) is sufficient. Therefore, we inviting anyone who might be interested to fill out our survey.
I would be interested in attending another school reunion in Metz. I’d also be willing to help with the organizing, but not take the lead role.
Coordinating it with the Vimy celebrations makes a lot of sense. There may be airline discounts or other benefits as well as taking in the historic moment.
I’m on board too but not sure how much I can contribute to the organization.
I’m interested in both Metz reunion and Vimy …
This sounds like a very interesting tour.
Sounds like a good idea-both Vimy and Metz
My husband and I would be very interested in coming to such a reunion.
We are very interested in such an event.
I would be most interested in both venues.
For those of you who have indicated interest here and have not already done so, it would be useful if you responded to the survey (See link in article above) or click here
I know my brother will attend as he was at that reunion and I will surely go with him for this reunion I will pass this on to him as he doesn’t use Facebook
It would help us with our planning if you and/or your brother responded to our survey
I look forward to hearing more about both venues-have not been in Metz since 1965 despite many trips to Europe with my wife Wilma. We both enjoyed the Ottawa reunion and will put this on our calendar.
I wish you the best with this reunion. My husband & I had hoped to attend but he has now been committed to be on the organizing committee for a similar trip with a Service organization he belongs to in Calgary. Enjoy!