Reunion Program


As you can see, there is still some flexibility; so please don’t hesitate to make suggestions by means of adding a comment to this post or sending us an email.

Optional Post and Pre Reunion Activities

Two optional activities are offered:

  1. Paris Visit prior to the Reunion (September 13th to 16th) with Day Trip to Juno Beach option. This will end with the group travelling together by TGV ot Metz on the morning of the 17th.
  2. Tour of Strasbourg and Alsace Wine Region (September 20th to 28th). This is organized as a bike tour with options fro non cyclists to join us.

The Reunion

Please note that all activities are optional and you will only pay for what you register for

Monday, September 17th

  •  Arrival in Metz.
  • Afternoon: Those who arrive during the day may want to visit  the Cathedral or the new Pompidou Center.
  • 6 to 7 pm. Registration and informal reception at Hotel de la Cathédrale
  • 7:30 pm. Dinner and presentations

Tuesday, September 18th

  • Morning: Walking tour of Cathedral and historic Metz (multilingual minitrain tour available for those who have difficulty walking)
  • 12:00-3:30pm: Moselle River Cruise with La Lorraine Fluviale. See YouTube Video to get an idea
  • 6 pm. Cocktail hour (Hotel de la Cathédrale)
  • 7:30 pm: Dinner all together, on your own or small group dinners with prior reservations

Note on Cruise Cost: The cruise costs 17.50 Euros or 41.50 if you want a meal as well,(Lunch Cruise with (with Menu Traditionnel).. There are two other menus at a higher prices (click here to view menus) which are 53.80 Euros (Menu A) and 53.90 Euros (Menu B) respectively. Please note that the meal prices include 1/4 litre of wine, water and coffee (Taxes and tip included). They make a point that they don’t allow you to picnic on board.

Wednesday, September 19th

  • Morning to late afternoon: Bus tour to the Maginot line Fortress of Hackenberg, followed by lunch in Sierck-les-Bains with the possibility of a visit to the 11th Century Chateau des Ducs de Lorrainein the afternoon.
    • 6 pm. Reception
    • 7:30. Dinner: This could be a group dinner or private dinners
Bus Tour Cost: For the expected participation, the cost will be around 20 Euros per person. Sierck has a variety of reasonably priced restaurants restaurants as well a places you can buy light snacks

Thursday , September 20th

  • Morning to late afternoon: visit to Nancy with a visit to Pont-a-Mousson. Travel is by train (Service is very frequent and the travel times short).
  • 7 pm. Reception (Location TBD)
  • 8:00 pm. Dinner

The Reunion will end with with Thursday’s Dinner.

Note on Costs

If you stay four nights and take part in all events, we estimate that the total cost per person would be about 500 Euros (Currently 1 Euro is approximately $1.31 Canadian). This is based on the information below and does not include, lunches or drinks at receptions.

  • Hotel: Room costs will, depending on the hotel and room choice, range from about 65 to 100 Euros (including taxes). Breakfast, if taken, would be extra — typically 8 to 10 Euros per person.
  • Meals: In 2009, the group dinners we organized ranged from 20 Euros to just under 30 Euros (including taxes) including a modest amount of wine (Click here to see the menus we had then). We would expect about the same this time. Lunches, mostly on your own, can be relatively inexpensive. As noted above, if you take lunch on the cruise, it will be more expensive
  • Walking Tours: We plan to engage an English Speaking guide through the Metz Tourist Office. The cost for each is about (5 Euros which, assuming we get at least 15 people for each would less than 10 Euros a person.
  • Bus Tour: See above
  • Registration Fee: All events are optional and you only pay for those activities you sign up for. We will are asking for a modest deposit ($100) to confirm your attendance and to be applied against the activities you sign up for.

Some Organizational Details

  • Hotels:   Click here for hotel information
  • Restaurants: Except where noted, meals will be at representative restaurants near the hotels. This link to the meals we had at the 2009 Reunion will give you an idea what top expect. Choices for 2012 will be firmed up the coming months.

9 thoughts on “Reunion Program”

  1. Sounds wonderful. Sign me up! (2) Hope we will get a guided tour of the old stomping grounds and what used to be the base, bowling alley, theatre if any of those buildings still exist – also the Chateau – I realize it is now a hospital compound. We will also want time to visit Borny, see GN High School and the old Lycee near the PMQs.

  2. Don’t think I’ll make the reunion but it’s wonderful to have contact with the General Navereau High School gang! Would love to email any of you and see what’s happened in your lives! I’m living in Coeur d’Alene (actually Hayden, part of CDA) Idaho. Love to golf, still ski. Have been married twice and have 3 happily married children and five grandchildren. Would love to hear from any of you! Fern

  3. Just a note on the dates…..Wednesday is Sept. 19 and Thursday is the 20th. Just wanted to ensure everyone is not confused about the final dinner date. Ilene and I will be heading to Frankfurt on the 20th, so will miss some of the day’s activities. Not sure when the last train leaves Metz, I will check the scheduke and see if we can leave in the evening, but we have an early flight to catch back home on the 21st, so overnight in Frankfurt on the 20th. Doug, you are doing a great job of keeping us informed.
    Thx, Stew

  4. It’s a definite for myself and my friend Heidi…will do the hotel bookings after we have a chance to chat his coming weekend.
    FYI..So far, I’ve found KLM to be the best price out of Vancouver to Paris …(and as I’m coming back from Amsterdam)….it’s ~$1100 return in the “extra comfort” class..whatever that means…..

  5. I previously stated that I attended the school for 40 days in 1967. I remamber the Tenoves and the Smiths.

  6. Seriously thinking about this. Was 8-11 back in 57-60. after years realize what that really meant.
    Keep me informed, please.
    Metz is awesome city.

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